Room Chaos
04/10/2023 11:00 - 12:30(Europe/Amsterdam)
20231004T1100 20231004T1230 Europe/Amsterdam Parallel Session C-3: Shallow geothermal energy - Session chair: Jacco Haasnoot Room Chaos Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23)
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Drivers to allow widespread adoption of ATES systems: A reflection on 40 years experience in the NetherlandsView Abstract
Societal challenges 11:05 AM - 11:15 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/04 09:05:00 UTC - 2023/10/04 09:15:00 UTC
In many climatic conditions heating and cooling systems can be decarbonized using seasonal thermal energy storage to over-come the mismatch in availability and demand with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES). Regulatory drivers for ATES adoption: A) energy performance standards for buildings boosts demand for ATES B) uniform permitting and planning regulation provides easy access to the technology, also for late adopters. Technical drivers for ATES adoption: 1) high quality standards for wells 2) integration and optimization of wells with climate installation in the building ensures comfort and energy saving in practice.
Presenters Martin Bloemendal
Delft University Of Technology
Martin Van Der Schans
Stijn Beernink
Niels Hartog
Philip Vardon
Professor, TU Delft
Long-term numerical investigation of Northern Gateway Heat NetworkView Abstract
Geothermal energy 11:15 AM - 11:25 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/04 09:15:00 UTC - 2023/10/04 09:25:00 UTC
This paper highlights the long-term numerical investigation of the Northern Gateway Heat Network, considering different sce-narios, including continuous space heating, space heating and recovery, space heating and cooling, and ATES. It also discusses the thermal impact and thermal plume development in different scenarios and how the thermal plume affected the system efficiency.
Presenters Rao Martand Singh
Professor, Norwegian University Of Science & Technology (NTNU)
Taha Sezer
PhD Candidate, University Of Surrey
Abubakar Kawuwa Sani
Liang Cui
University Of Surrey
Effect of pile spacing on the thermal performance of thermo-active pile groupsView Abstract
Geothermal energy 11:25 AM - 11:35 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/04 09:25:00 UTC - 2023/10/04 09:35:00 UTC
• This research investigates the effects of pile spacing on the thermal performance of thermo-active piles, quantifying the effects of thermal interference. • The thermal performance of a thermo-active pile is at maximum when it operates as a single standalone pile, with the lower bound corresponding to piles operating within an infinitely-large group. • The analyses performed show that in an infinitely-large group, the thermal performance of a thermo-active pile increases from 20% of that of a single pile for a spacing of 3 diameters to about 40% when that spacing increases to 6 diameters.
Ryan Yin Wai Liu
Imperial College London
David Taborda
Reader, Imperial College London
Thermal activation of sewers and embedding in a heating-cooling networkView Abstract
Geothermal energy 11:35 AM - 11:45 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/04 09:35:00 UTC - 2023/10/04 09:45:00 UTC
- Development of a thermal wastewater absorber that can be used both as a heat source and as a heat sink. - Numerical and experimental investigations to determine the performance and design concept. - The wastewater absorber is an elementary component of a fifth-generation heating network due to additionally installed pipes. It is therefore possible both to extract heat from the network and to supply it to it.
Presenters Till Kugler
Institute Of Geotechnical Engineering, University Stuttgart
Christian Moormann
Director, University Stuttgart, Institute Of Geotechnical Engineering
Thermal and structural response of a pavement solar collector prototypeView Abstract
Geothermal energy 11:45 AM - 11:55 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/04 09:45:00 UTC - 2023/10/04 09:55:00 UTC
A large scale PSC prototype was constructed at University of Antwerp to investigate the thermal and structural performance of the PSC systems. Experimental results showed that applying a low temperature supply in wintertime could save above 80% of the collected heat, and remaining excess heat can be used for various applications (domestic hot water and heating to nearby buildings) It was concluded that the energy harvesting capability of PSCs is not only determined by the geometrical properties and geographical location of the installed systems, but also by the operational conditions such as fluid flow and weather parameters
Mohammadtaher Ghalandari
University Of Antwerp
Alalea Kia
Imperial College
David Taborda
Reader, Imperial College London
Cedric Vuye
Associate Professor, University Of Antwerp
Lessons learnt from a full-scale installation of energy wallsView Abstract
Geothermal energy 11:55 AM - 12:05 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/04 09:55:00 UTC - 2023/10/04 10:05:00 UTC
The abstract describes the main technological aspects related to the installation of the 17-m-deep energy diaphragm walls at the underground car park of the Politecnico di Torino, currently under construction.
Alessandra Insana
Politecnico Di Torino
Co-Authors Marco Barla
Politecnico Di Torino
Andrea Benincasa Di Caravcio
ICON Ingegneria
University Of Antwerp
Politecnico di Torino
The Hongkong Polytechnic University
Institute Of Geotechnical Engineering, University Stuttgart
Imperial College London
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