20231003T160020231003T1730Europe/AmsterdamParallel Session A-2: Offshore geotechnicsRoom CentraleSymposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23)BlueBoxEvents@tudelft.nl
Silent piling for offshore jacket foundations in sand: DEM and centri-fuge modellingView Abstract Mini Symposium04:05 PM - 04:15 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 14:05:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 14:15:00 UTC
A centrifuge study into the installation response of steel, open-ended, tubular piles, dynamically driven using prolonged impulsesView Abstract Offshore geotechnics04:15 PM - 04:25 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 14:15:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 14:25:00 UTC
p-y curves from in-situ ROBOCONE tests: a similarity approach for laterally loaded piles in clayView Abstract Offshore geotechnics04:25 PM - 04:35 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 14:25:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 14:35:00 UTC
py curves, key to offshore pile design, can be obtained from empirical correlations using insitu cone penetration test (CPT) data, saving on expensive laboratory testing. However, the loading applied to the soil by the CPT is notably different to that of a laterally loaded pile. Instead, the ROBOCONE project is developing a horizontal loading module within a cone penetrometer, that can directly obtain lateral load displacement curves. These are similar to py curves, but a correction factor is required. This work obtains an initial correction factor using a similarity approach, allowing the ROBOCONE test to be used directly in design.
A Hardening Plasticity Formulation for Drained Behavior of Circular FootingsView Abstract Offshore geotechnics04:35 PM - 04:45 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 14:35:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 14:45:00 UTC
This paper is devoted to a comprehensive review of the performance of circular surface and shallow foundations under combined loading (VHM), and how this can principally be understood in a theoretical framework in the context of plasticity theory. The associated and non associated plasticity in offshore foundation design is presented; further, it is shown that though the provided formulation results in an enhanced complexity in describing plastic potential surface involving several parameters that need to be calibrated (i.e., depending strongly on foundation type and soil strength), special care should be taken when assessing the skirted foundation responses on different loading.
Presenters Amin Barari Associate Professor Of Geotechnical Engineering , Royal Melbourne Institute Of Technology (RMIT)
Dynamic seabed-anchor enhancements for taut-moored floating offshore wind View Abstract Offshore geotechnics04:45 PM - 04:55 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 14:45:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 14:55:00 UTC
-This study focuses on a numerical anchor macro model, Ancmac, that can be used to capture and quantify dynamic anchor-seabed-mooring capacity benefits such as from seabed added mass and viscous soil strength effects. -These effects, which are not typically considered in anchor design, can enhance the dynamic anchor capacity and reduce the required anchor size. -An example case is presented to model the response of an embedded plate anchor subjected to a load derived from applying a 1-50 year storm design loading event on a 15MW FOW turbine with a taut mooring line configuration.
Combination of kinematic and inertial loads acting on monopile foundations for offshore wind turbinesView Abstract Offshore geotechnics04:55 PM - 05:05 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 14:55:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 15:05:00 UTC
Due to a growing number of offshore wind farm projects in seismic areas, existing design procedures for slender piles under earthquake loading need to be revised to allow for the design of larger and stockier monopiles. This study illustrates how advanced finite element analyses can be used to investigate the phase difference between kinematic and inertial loads acting on monopile foundations in deep deposits subjected to seismic excitation.
A simplified method for calculating the accumulation of irreversible rotations of wind turbine shallow foundationsView Abstract Material behavior and modelling05:05 PM - 05:15 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/03 15:05:00 UTC - 2023/10/03 15:15:00 UTC
Cyclic irreversible rotation accumulations are the major design constraints for wind turbine foundations. FE 3D simulations with advanced cyclic constitutive models are too computationally expensive. A very simple model for predicting the accumulation of cyclic irreversible rotations is proposed for shallow footings.