20231005T145020231005T1600Europe/AmsterdamParallel Session C-8: Energy and energy product storage - Chair: Joaquín LiaudatRoom ChaosSymposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23)BlueBoxEvents@tudelft.nl
Upscaling rocks mechanical properties to study Underground Hydrogen Storage feasibilityView Abstract Material behavior and modelling02:55 PM - 03:05 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 12:55:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:05:00 UTC
Experimental investigation of the effects of fatigue on caprock materials in H2 storage projectsView Abstract Material behavior and modelling03:05 PM - 03:15 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:05:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:15:00 UTC
This experimental study aims to assess fatigue related risks in H2 storage projects. In particular, it focuses on the cyclic behaviour of caprock materials under large confining pressures. A series of monotonic and cyclic undrained triaxial tests were performed to investigate the response of the material. When subjected to cyclic loading, structured stiff clays were found to undergo a progressive destructuration, leading, eventually, to a fragile failure. This process was found to be controlled by loading frequency, maximum deviator stress and loading amplitude.
Evaluation of the reliability of buried gas pipelines exposed to ground movement in the perspective of their use for hydrogen transportation: A state-of-art reviewView Abstract Material behavior and modelling03:15 PM - 03:25 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:15:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:25:00 UTC
In its race towards climate neutrality by 2050, the European Union seems to be betting on green hydrogen as a high potential energy source. The French government seems to prioritize the reuse of gas networks for the transportation of H2. However, the substitution of gas by hydrogen leads to an evolution of the mechanical characteristics of steel pipelines increasing their vulnerability vis à vis external stresses, which raises a number of scientific and technical questions. The aim of this study is to synthesize the research work in the literature addressing the behaviour of buried pipelines subjected to various ground movements.
Analysis of biopolymer modified oil cement under supercritical CO2 View Abstract Other03:25 PM - 03:35 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:25:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:35:00 UTC
• The lower capillary porosity causes less carbonation in BNC samples because it reduces the CO2 diffusion rate in the cement matrix. • Samples with BNC have higher mechanical strength before and after carbonation. • The carbonation degree of the samples with BNC is less compared to neat cement.
Underground hydrogen storage in Germany: Geological and infrastructural requirementsView Abstract Energy and energy product storage03:35 PM - 03:45 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:35:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:45:00 UTC
Underground hydrogen storage might be the key to the success of the energy transition in Germany. Here we define positive indicators for pore storage systems and estimate hydrogen storage capacities in UGS systems and saline aquifers based on natural gas and CO2 storage assessments.