Room Centrale Live Meeting
05/10/2023 14:50 - 16:00(Europe/Amsterdam)
20231005T1450 20231005T1600 Europe/Amsterdam Parallel Session A-8: Geothermal energy - Chair: Luis Bandeira Neto Room Centrale Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23)
11 attendees saved this session
Application of a soil temperature model for simulating the effect of district heating pipes on drinking water pipelinesView Abstract
Other 02:55 PM - 03:05 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 12:55:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:05:00 UTC
According to Dutch legislation the drinking water temperature should be lower than 25°C at the tap to meet legionella prevention. In order to assess the impact of heat sources like heat transport pipes on the temperature in adjacent drinking water pipelines a soil temperature model was developed. This coupled micro-climate and heat transport model relates atmospheric conditions to the temperature distribution in the sub-surface. The model is validated by a number of field tests in the Dutch city district Kralingen. The validated model is used here to predict the drinking water temperature in transport, primary and secondary networks.
John Van Esch
An example of thermal retrofitting for the Piedicastello tunnelView Abstract
Geothermal energy 03:05 PM - 03:15 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:05:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:15:00 UTC
Energy geostructures could play a key role towards the Paris agreement goal. However, so far applications have been related to new tunnelling projects, whereas possibilities of implementation on existing tunnels have not yet been explored. This abstract will focus on an example of thermal retrofitting of an existing tunnel, namely the Piedicastello tunnel (Trento, Italy). The retrofitting solution will imply drilling radial borehole heat exchangers (rBHEs) along several tunnel cross sections. To understand the influence of two design parameters, the rBHEs length and the interaxis distance, a 3D coupled FE numerical model was built and results are illustrated.
Presenters Simone De Feudis
Ph.D. Student, Politecnico Di Torino DISEG
Alessandra Insana
Politecnico Di Torino
Marco Barla
Politecnico Di Torino
In-situ experimental study on heat exchange capacity of long-span energy tunnelView Abstract
Geothermal energy 03:15 PM - 03:25 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:15:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:25:00 UTC
Energy tunnel is a new type of geothermal exchanger in ground source heat pump systems due to their technical and cost improvements over traditional borehole geothermal exchangers. An in situ full scale study using the thermal response and thermal performance tests (TRT and TPT) is performed to investigate the factors affecting the heat exchange capacity in Badaling Energy Tunnel of Beijing Zhangjiakou High speed Railway. This paper analyzes the influences of constant heating power, inlet water temperature, air temperature in tunnel, circulating water flow velocity, operation mode, and pipe connection on the heat exchange capacity of the energy tunnel.
Presenters WEN GUAN
Tsinghua University, China
Xiaohui Cheng
Tsinghua University, China
Design and Reliability analysis of Energy pile using soft computing technique and a comparative study between the developed soft computing model.View Abstract
Geothermal energy 03:25 PM - 03:35 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:25:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:35:00 UTC
Geothermal piles, also known as energy piles, use low grade heat energy from the shallow earth surface to heat and cool buildings. Reliability analysis of geotechnical structures has become increasingly important due to uncertainties in the geotechnical engineering field. In this study, ultimate group capacity and reliability analysis of energy pile was determined. The reliability index was calculated using the first order reliability method and two soft computing models, Random Forest and Extreme Gradient Boosting were developed to predict the ultimate group capacity . The XGBM model was best for designing and and reliability analysis of energy pile the energy.
Ramakrishna Bag
Associate Professor, Indian Institute Of Technology Patna
Ashutosh Kumar
PhD Research Scholar , Indian Institute Of Technology Patna
Pijush Samui
Professor, National Institute Of Technology Patna
Cutter Soil Mix-Energywall full-scale test experimental setupView Abstract
Geothermal energy 03:35 PM - 03:45 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:35:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:45:00 UTC
A CSM-Energywall pilot has been setup in Amstelveen. The experimental setup and research goals are described in this paper.
Vincent Leclercq
Crux B.V.
Co-Authors Marco Gerola
University Of Milan
Oskar De Kok
Korneel De Jong
CRUX Engineering BV
Francesco Cecinato
Associate Professor, University Of Milan
The effect of climate change on the behaviour of thermo-active diaphragm wallsView Abstract
Geothermal energy 03:45 PM - 03:55 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 13:45:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 13:55:00 UTC
This paper studies the effect of climate change on the behaviour of thermo-active diaphragm walls. This study also considers the modelling methodology and compares a more simplified model where thermal loads are applied to the structure only, with modelling of atmospheric temperatures. The findings demonstrate the importance of modelling atmospheric temperatures in capturing the behaviour of thermo-active diaphragm walls and also demonstrates the importance of action on climate change. Large differences in temperature between thermal cycles increase lateral displacements as well as internal stresses linearly over the long term.
Presenters Andrew Minto
Lecturer In Civil Engineering, Abertay University
Anthony Leung
Jonathan Knappett
Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Abertay University
Associate Professor
Indian institute of Technology Patna
Tsinghua University, China
Ph.D. student
Politecnico di Torino DISEG
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 Luis Bandeira Neto
Graduate Researcher
The University of Melbourne
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