20231005T113020231005T1230Europe/AmsterdamParallel Session C-7: Material behaviour - Chair: Jean-Michel PereiraRoom ChaosSymposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23)BlueBoxEvents@tudelft.nl
Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a deep plastic clay formationView Abstract Geological disposal of radioactive waste11:35 AM - 11:45 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 09:35:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 09:45:00 UTC
The present study arises from the need of investigating the THM behaviour of one of Belgium’s potential host rock formations for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. To the author’s knowledge, the study of the evolution of radial stresses during drained thermal paths under oedometer conditions has never been addressed. Such information would allow for drawing a better defined stress state while accurately measuring volume changes. The present study used a newly designed and fully instrumented oedometer cell. The results indicated a systematic increase in the radial effective stress on heating at constant vertical effective stress.
Effect of temperature on the behaviour of bentonite in the presence of salt solutionView Abstract Geological disposal of radioactive waste11:45 AM - 11:55 AM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 09:45:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 09:55:00 UTC
Effect of temperature on the behaviour of bentonite in the presence of NaCl and CaCl2 were studied. After heating the bentonite samples were at 300 and 400 C for 24 hours and then various tests were conducted in the presence of various concentration of NaCl and CaCl2 solution. The heated samples were analyzed for their swelling, liquid limit, hydraulic and compressibility characteristics. The results showed that the heating had a definite effect on the behaviour of the bentonite.
Anil Kumar Mishra Associate Professor , Indian Institute Of Technology Guwahati
Analysis of soil behavior under freezing and thawing conditionsView Abstract Material behavior and modelling11:55 AM - 12:05 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 09:55:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 10:05:00 UTC
A mathematical description of heat and moisture transport and the associated mechanical deformations is critical for understanding freezing and thawing soil. The strong nonlinearity of the phase change cannot be easily and accurately described by local (differential) mathematical methods. In this study, a nonlocal formulation is developed within the framework of peridynamics. It is the first model that combines the flow of water with heat transfer and mechanical deformations in the presence of a change in the water phase state in unsaturated soils. It is demonstrated that this approach effectively describes the change in water content and predicts soil deformation.
Majid Sedighi Senior Lecturer, The University Of Manchester
Effect of Temperature on the Compressibility Behavior of Glass Fiber-Bentonite MixtureView Abstract Geological disposal of radioactive waste12:05 PM - 12:15 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 10:05:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 10:15:00 UTC
Storage of nuclear wastes in deep geological disposals is an important concept in terms of energy geotechnics. The long-term heat released by nuclear waste causes changes in the structure of the buffer material bentonite clay. Hence, it is critical to determine the short and long term engineering parameters of bentonite clay under high temperature. In this study, short and long term compressibility behavior of calcium bentonite clay and glass fiber-bentonite mixture under high tem-perature were investigated.
Compressibility behavior of colemanite added bentonite under short and long-term high temperatureView Abstract Geological disposal of radioactive waste12:15 PM - 12:25 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2023/10/05 10:15:00 UTC - 2023/10/05 10:25:00 UTC
The increasing energy demand and the limited fossil fuel resources make searching for new sustainable clean energy sources. In this regard, it is vital to use energy geo structures as a renewable and clean energy source. It was reported by many researchers that the engineering properties of clayey soils change at high temperatures. Therefore, there is a need for soil materials that can maintain their long-term engineering properties under high temperatures. Bo-rates are naturally occurring minerals. In the present study, it was tried to improve the compressibility behavior of bentonite by adding colemanite under high temperature.