Improving thermal storage of energy screw pile groups with phase change materials

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Abstract Summary
Energy screw piles combines the agile construction of screw piles with renewable shallow geothermal energy. Moreover, the screw piles can be filled with Phase change materials (PCM) to provide latent thermal storage. This work explores a novel underground heat exchange system that combines traditional energy screw piles with thermal storage screw piles filled with PCM (TSP). Simulations are undertaken with numerical modelling, providing insights on the operation of short energy piles groups and how PCM improves the thermal storage. The PCM improves the system performance for cooling while deteriorates it for heating, and the TSP stores up to 190 MJ/m3.
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MS3 - Numerical analysis of energy geostructures
Deputy Head of Department & Professor
The University of Melbourne
Graduate Researcher
The University of Melbourne
Research Fellow
The University of Melbourne
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