Development of a new T-bar for the geotechnical centrifuge at TU Delft

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Abstract Summary
A new miniature T bar penetrometer is designed and fabricated for physical modelling, allowing the characterization of the undrained shear strength profile of clay samples in centrifuge testing. The rate of penetration is one of the key parameters that govern the drainage behaviour of soil response around the T bar and the resulting penetration resistance. Thus, the sample drainage state is tested by varying the rate of penetration from 0.004 mm/s to 5 mm/s. The results are interpreted by two methods. The interpreted undrained shear strength profile provides soil property and OCR information for further monopile tests in the centrifuge.
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Offshore site investigation
PhD candidate
TU Delft
Assistant professor
Delft University Of Technology
Assoc Prof.
Delft University of Technology
11 visits