Fine Particle Liberation in Saturated Porous Media Under Non-isothermal Fluid Flow

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Abstract Summary
- Permeability damage due to fine particle mobilization and clogging is a critical challenge during enhanced geothermal operations. In geological reservoirs, equilibrium of in situ fines can be disturbed due to fluid flow velocities, temperature alterations, or reduced ionic strength of the pore fluids. - This study presents a new theoretical model to evaluate the impact of size distribution of in-situ fine particles on non-isothermal fluid flow induced fine mobilization in porous media. - Expressions for drag force and electrostatic force are obtained based on the DLVO theory considering coupled effects of fluid velocity, temperature, ionic strength of in-situ fluids.
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Abstract Topics
Deep subsurface geothermal systems,Geo-environmental impacts
Southwest Jiaotong University
York University
13 visits